Ditch The Damn Scale!

Now before you think I’ve completely lost my marbles, hear me out. The best way to show ourselves and our body the respect it deserves is to ditch the scale.  Stepping on a scale can, within seconds, turn a great day into a train wreck. Our weight can fluctuate wildly and it has nothing to do with fat. If it’s that time of the month, if we ate a meal high in sodium, if we drank our recommended water for the day and yes, if we didn’t have a bowel movement.  All of these factors can shift the number on the scale and thus make our weight look like it’s gone up  and this is why the scale is too subjective and in most cases will derail any actual progress that we may have made. 

How often has this happened to you…. You have had a really good week, you got all your workouts in, you stayed hydrated, you honoured your hunger, and got plenty of rest.  You’re feeling on top of the world and  then you jump on the scale cause you just want to take a quick peek and see how you are doing. Guess what? It didn’t go down, or it did go down, but not enough.  Well, if you’re anything like me this would totally deflate you and set off a series of chain reactions that would ultimately prove disastrous.  What we don’t consider is what the scale can’t measure.  The scale doesn’t measure the things that matter in life such as; Has my energy increased? Am I thinking clearer?  Are my senses awakened? Am I less stressed?  Has my focus and concentration improved? Am I getting a more restful night’s sleep? Only if and when we ditch the scale will we be able to focus on and measure the important things that have such a great impact on us every day.  

The proactive act of hiding, or better yet ditching the scale all together can prove both exciting and scary at the same time for many people.  But only by ditching the scale will it show your commitment to taking the focus off a number on a scale and putting it on tuning into and listening to your body and the signals it sends you.  I’m not gonna lie, it’s going to  be scary at first but in the end it’s so fantastically liberating.

Oh….. and while you’re at it, throw out the damn measuring tape as well.  You are more than a number.  Trust your body and take back your power and only then will see your self worth and happiness soar 🙂