Fresh Starts

Happy Thursday!

We are 4 days into the last month of summer so I wanted to talk a little bit about fresh starts. We are all deserving of a fresh start whenever we need one. You hold all the cards to your life and at any time you can pull a fresh new card from the deck.

Sometimes the thought of a fresh start can be terrifying though. We sometimes think that a big decision needs to be made or it’s going to take a huge effort to get it done. And although a fresh start is not going to look the same for me as it does for you, the fact is it won’t even look the same for you each time you need one either. 

A fresh start is a shift in your thinking – it could be deciding to take a 10 minute walk during your lunch hour to reset the day. Or it could be taking 10 minutes to reflect in your journal at night before closing your eyes to help get a different perspective on the day and bring closure so you can start the next day fresh. So if you are feeling a fresh start is what you need, there is no better time than today. Sit down and take 5 minutes to figure out how it will look for you and then get at it!

And if your fresh start is being more consistent with your wellness habits then please know that Erin and I are here for you. Just let us know if it’s accountability you need or suggestions for easing your way into a consistent schedule. We are here with you!