You Can’t Fire a Cannon From a Canoe

“You can’t fire a cannon from a canoe.”

– Charles Poliquin

In this age of social media fitness “influencers”, it’s hard not to be mesmerized with their outstanding feats of athleticism or rock-hard bodies. You see how “fit” they are and want that for yourself. So you subscribe to their channels, buy their six-week bootcamp packages, and expect you’ll look like them after the six weeks are complete. However, you’re mostly likely left feeling disappointed or ashamed that you somehow “failed” because you didn’t get a six-pack in 6 weeks. Sound familiar?

The way I look at it is these demonstrations of athleticism by these fitness “influencers” are like shooting cannons – they’re powerful, explosive, and impressive. These people have spent years working on their bodies so they have a strong stable core and base, and that’s how they can “shoot their cannons”. These people aren’t standing in a canoe, trying to fire a cannon. They’re on a warship, ready for battle. 

My point is this – give yourself time, patience, and kindness to build yourself up from a canoe to a warship. You need to take the time to build a strong foundation from which to work from. You may start out your fitness journey wobbly and needing rest, but slowly you can build up your strength and stability so you can “shoot your cannons”. And if you need a friend to help turn your canoe into a warship, we are always here to lend a hand!